



Stoker may be the most deranged coming of age tale i have ever seen. I really enjoyed this film as a whole, and there is a lot to enjoy. However, i am not foolish enough to believe for a second that people will enjoy this like i did. This is a very unusual suspense/horror film about an uncle who comes to live with a mother and daughter after his brother dies. This film is very slow during the first half hour of the movie, but if you can outlast all of that it definitely rewards you with amazing performances by Matthew Goode and Nicole Kidman. The best performance however was Mia Wiakowski. Long gone are the days of her performance in Alice In Wonderland. She is now a woman, and has the ability to tell so much emotion in one look at the camera. I was very surprised at the dark turns that this film took, but it was done in such a tasteful way. The music is absolutely breathtaking because it doesn’t appear too often. The color of the scene tones mixed with excellent camera work makes this a definite top ten nominee at my end of the year list. I recommend this film to anyone who doesn’t mind a slow paced dark film. I think you will appreciate the things it does above all of that.

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