Movie 43




WOW!!!! For those of you who thought i had even a shred of intelligence in me, i can promise you it is now gone. This movie is by far the worst movie i have seen in the early 2013 so far. I never imagined that a movie with Emma Stone would be so bad. This movie has a great cast, but they are doing these stupid Mad TV style skits. The difference is that i loved Mad TV and this unfunny piece of shit is beyond comparison. I wouldn’t recommend this movie to anyone unless there is someone in your life that you really hate. Even then, it might be too severe of a punishment.

2 thoughts on “Movie 43

  1. I tried to watch this movie a few times. It’s not good.

    It seemed as though the movie tried too hard to be funny and it lacked any sort of plot, tone, or direction.

    The çast was great but it just seemed too off the cuff and wasn’t really funny. Moreso, it seemed forced.

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