5.5/10 To tell you what i didn’t like about this movie would give away spoilers, so i will just list the positives. I loved the fact that it added something more to the Chainsaw saga unli...Read More
6.5/10 Tom Cruise is back as a special forces soldier who is called upon to investigate an army soldier who he kept dibs on in Iraq. Reacher (Cruise) is basically a ghost to the world. No credi...Read More
7/10 I had to watch it a 2nd time to decide how i truly felt about this movie. The positives for it are the performances of Leonardo Dicaprio, Christoph Waltz and Samuel L Jackson. It also has ...Read More
8/10 One amazingly beautiful picture with the best cinematography of the year. The sets really created a dark world in which every one of these characters sang of their breakthroughs. I thoroug...Read More