3/10 The cure for insomnia has been gift wrapped to the audience, in Director Sergei Bodrov’s newest film “Seventh Son”. A 95 minute mixtape of some of the fantasy genre’...Read More
6/10 Director Paul Tibbett takes the underwater world of the infamous Nickelodeon characters, and gives them a fresh spin with their first appearances on land. The second version of a Spongebob Square...Read More
5/10 The latest in Disney’s “Zero to hero” line, stars Kevin Costner as a high school football coach fired from his job after some violent circumstances leave his legacy tarni...Read More
3/10 John Cusack is missed very much. That’s not just a statement coming from a critic/audience member, but the sequel to the 2010 hit original misses just as much. The sequel (if you can...Read More
6/10 Will Smith’s welcome home party to the roles that made him at one time the biggest star in Hollywood. Nicky (Will Smith) is an experienced con artist who has created a way of life fr...Read More
2/10 Director Erik Van Looy takes the helm of the 2011 original Sweedish film titled “Loft”. In the remake, Karl Urban and James Marsden star in the story of five guys who conspire to secr...Read More
3/10 This is the maddest i have been in quite sometime. For the record, it doesn’t mean “Project Almanac” is the worst film i have seen in this early 2015, but it means that i...Read More
5/10 The battle back from a life changing event can be a long and torturing one. Director Daniel Barnez (Beastly) newest film is the story of pain pill addict, Claire Simmons (Jennifer Aniston)...Read More
5/10 The interesting thing about Mike Binder’s newest film, is how little it has to do with it’s racially motivated title and setup. After seeing the trailer for this movie, i thoug...Read More
5/10 In any other year, “The Humbling” would be a genius execution in filmmaking. The reason it doesn’t fully work in 2015 is because it takes a premise about an A-list actor in the ...Read More