8/10 The character of Big Bird has been an icon to the greatest kids television show of all time; Sesame Street. But who is the man underneath the mountain of feathers? For 45 years, Caroll Spi...Read More
9/10 21 Years ago, Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of the band at the helm of the grunge music revolution, Nirvana, took his life at the age of 27. The events that led to the depressed state of the music...Read More
9/10 Edward Snowden’s eye opening reveals about the invasion of privacies that our very government takes is front and center in this documentary that is presented as more of a real life movie un...Read More
5/10 Director Jeremy Snead takes us on an 8 bit journey with this documentary about the history of video game culture in America. The first half of the film starts off on a high note with a descriptiv...Read More
7.5/10 Film critic Roger Ebert lives again in this part documentary part biography about the life of a man who forever changed the film critic career. First of all, i am not a fan of Ebert’s for...Read More
6.5/10 Director Igal Hecht presents to us a documentary on one of professional wrestling’s most polarizing figures, The Iron Sheik. For those who don’t know, Sheik was a hated wrestler dur...Read More
8/10 A gritty and disturbing look into the American food distribution system and the negative results that follow in a descensitized society. Fed Up is a documentary that looks into the FDA and slides...Read More
9.5/10 Ladies and gentlemen, i give you an early favorite for film of the year. It’s very rare that a documentary will hit me in such a way that Kids For Cash does. That’s not to say that ...Read More
6.5/10 This documentary about George Romero’s original zombie masterpiece shows us the struggles of introducing the world to zombies. It’s hard to understand today just how much Rom...Read More
8/10 A great documentary about the rise and fall of the music sharing giant known as Napster. The film gives a great look into the battles and insight of the Napster employees and the war they ...Read More