7/10 Russell Crowe is at the top of his game as a crooked politician who is hell bent on winning the election at any cost. This film had a lot of great interaction moments like the one near the...Read More
8/10 An action packed thrill ride that carries a lot of substance in the acting department. Sean Penn totally steals the show as real life gangster Mickey Cohen. This movie has a serious plot w...Read More
7/10 I had to watch it a 2nd time to decide how i truly felt about this movie. The positives for it are the performances of Leonardo Dicaprio, Christoph Waltz and Samuel L Jackson. It also has ...Read More
8/10 One amazingly beautiful picture with the best cinematography of the year. The sets really created a dark world in which every one of these characters sang of their breakthroughs. I thoroug...Read More
8.5/10 The thing that i found the most charming about this movie was that it didn’t go weak on it’s views of teenage life. We have all gone through the same things that these kids g...Read More